Study methods for Physics!


As with any subject, there are some strategies that you can use and follow to make sure that you achieve your goals within the subject! First we will cover some general pointers for studying Physics which you can apply to any subject...then we will continue on to methods which are specifically useful for Physics itself. We have added some links to help you find some of the sites and resources we recommend...

General pointers for studying:

1. Master the basics of physics: This means that you find the core ideas and theories related to physics and make sure that you clearly understand these aspects. These will consist of the most likely problems you could encounter in exams, the basic principles and concepts that the subject is based on. Then you need to see how these core principles are linked to one another to create a whole picture of the subject. An example of such a basic understanding is shown below...

2. Strengthen your math skills: This is useful to do when studying business type subjects, actual mathematics, physics, chemistry, and other number based subjects. Physics uses many math elements and when you are able to comfortably and confidently adapt and implement various formulas in problems then you can numerically apply your basic knowledge as well. This ability is one of the central elements in Physics since everything is questioned, tested and experimented using the basic principles of Physics.

3. Simplify: The best way to test if you know what is going on in a subject is to explain it to someone who has no idea about the subject or someone who is way younger than you. This forces you to use the most simple way possible to explain the ideas and concepts that you are learning which also in turn allows you to understand the concepts at a deeper level. Things might therefore seem complex and difficult at first but then after analysing a topic and working with it, it becomes easier and more simple. It is always important to remain calm so that you can focus on finding the solution and not the problem which is in front of you.

4. Use drawings / diagrams / graphs: Using drawings allows you to implement and explain ideas more clearly to yourself or others. It organises concepts and information so that it is easier for your mind to store and call up when needed. Mind-maps are one example of useful study drawings. Always try to illustrate a concept in some creative way that makes sense to you, since this makes the information seem like your own!

5. Use flashcards to study: Make notes on new words, units of measure, general principles and other core concepts that you need to study. That way you can follow the thread of a topic and strengthen the new information which improves problem solving and efficiency when trying to retain new content information. 

6. Examine the course by reading the main objectives of each topic in your syllabus: This allows you to know what you're studying for the term or semester so that you can identify the important themes and principles to run a few problems before hand. Previewing your textbook also allows you to be somewhat familiar with the content by the time your lecturer or teacher discusses it.

7. Daily reviews: To be effective in your studies it's important to have daily interaction with the subject(s) you are aiming to master and study. This therefore relies on daily revision of the section or chapter that was completed during the lesson on that specific day at the school or university where you study. This helps you to seek help from your immediate community if you are not clear enough on the contents of the topic which was completed that same day. This community consists of your teachers, friends, tutors and also third-party resources (books, online videos, educational sites, podcasts, etc.). This habit further keeps you in touch with your subject content and keeps it fresh in your mind so that you don't have to start from scratch when exams or tests roll around.


1. Memorise the basic equations and implement them through practice examples, don't memorise the problem, only the situations where the equation can be implemented. Two problems in physics will never be the same so trying to memorise example problems is useless to you.

2. Know how to derive equations. You need to understand why and how to derive complex equations. This is where you will understand the value of having a good knowledge of your basic equations. Learning how equations work and how they can work together will make your calculations flow easier and you will have more confidence in applying your knowledge.

3. Analysing problems. Physics is based on problems and finding solutions for said problems. You need skills in simplifying the problems as much as possible so that you can see their basic building blocks. This makes the problems seem more easy than before and allows you to feel more calm while trying to find solutions.

4. Identify the important or core aspects of each problem. This can be done by highlighting or circling the key ideas in the problem statement. First you identify the main points and then you organise the detail point under the relevant main point. This way you organise the information in such a structured way that you mind can easily sort through the provided information. Ignore any details not relevant to the problem.

5. Always ensure that you are using the correct units. In Physics your answer is invalid if you did not add the correct units to your answer. The answers will require a good understanding of the metric/SI measurement system and also any other commonly used units, such as, power, watts, acceleration, force/Newton, and so forth.

6. Active participation is very important since this allows you to learn and understand concepts during class. You need to participate actively to achieve this goal so that you can identify any misunderstandings before the lesson is complete.

7. After class its also important to review what you have learned so that your doubts can be addressed and clarified the same day. This allows any wrong ideas to be eliminated while they are small and your mind holds on to the correct information. 

8. Understanding and following the techniques based on the physics requirements. You need to remember that you first analyse what the problem is about, then read and understand the problem and then get to know what you need to find out. Based on the problem you're working on and the information provided you need to choose the correct information, data or formula to use. This allows you to appropriately find the correct solution based on the problem provided.

9. Solve practice problems (which is useful in any number based subject). Find old papers or books with practice problems in them. This is usually what the teachers / lecturers will use to compile the exam, so taking initiative and solving various problems will help you become better at solving problems. This skill is helpful to gain a clear knowledge about the concept you are studying. Therefore going the extra mile and studying outside of the syllabus parameters is very useful.

10. Use apps to your advantage. There are various simulation apps which can help you understand experiments, physics theory, formulas and other related principles. Identify an app you feel could be most useful to you and start adding it to your study schedule! The apps help you with problem solving and allows you to see the solutions and also prepare for exams.

11. Online video's and podcasts, which adds to number 7 of the general tips. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Brand New Tube, YouKu, podcasts, etc. all have hashtags (#) which you can use to find relevant videos for your topic or subject to study. Try to find someone who explains the subject in a way that makes sense to you and helps you prepare for exams or tests. You don't have to just focus on getting one perfect teacher! It's ok to have many different sources of fact, you will retain the information better that way! Just always remember that you have to apply the knowledge in the way that your school or university educator requires, even if there might be better ways taught by other online teachers...

12. Physics is one of the few subjects where the saying "practice makes perfect" comes to life. Without practice you study the subject a lot slower and less effectively which could become extremely frustrating. It's quite important to find sites where you can make use of the extra practice and study materials they provide. When you analyse your tests and see where you still get confused you can more easily address the issue and eliminate it before taking the exam or test.

13. Enrolling for crash courses on the specific topics or sections you find challenging. This is pretty self-explanatory...go find a private institution who teaches the same physics in a shorter period of time so that you can catch up any missing content effectively. These places (online or offline) allow you to learn physics fast and effective, and sometimes they are able to identify where you are stuck and focus on that topic more, as we do at MEND Education.

14. Use experiments to achieve a deeper understanding. Many theories and concepts in physics can be demonstrated using experiments. This allows your mind to visualise the words and more clearly explain the ideas during exams. Using experiments can also imbed the knowledge within your mind for much longer than just reading or studying the information. You can find the experiments online or in simulators so that you can experiment with the parameters and see the various outcomes for yourself.


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