The ultimate 2500 year old memory technique
Learn with MEND Education how to use this timeless technique to memorise in a fun and easy way. Get your playfulness on and open yourself to having fun! It's called a memory palace ...people store memory in space. So we associate information with a place or location. That is why it might be easy to learn at school in a specific classroom but it might be difficult to focus on studies at home in the kitchen. Therefore take a place that you are familiar with and then you allocate certain items in the place you choose are place rankings (first place, second place, third place, etc.). Then you turn the thing you want to remember into an image and put it in the place where you want it. This is the memory, easy as PIE. P refers to place, I refers to imagine and E refers to entwine. Use your body for the first exercise as your reference places (P). First place is the top of your head, so go ahead and touch this area of your head and say loudly "top". Second place is your nose,