The reason I want to help you MEND Education in your life.


As a child I moved around a lot and went to about 11 different schools and in the middle somewhere also homeschooled for 4 years. I always felt bored and frustrated while in the school system and had the most fun during the homeschooled 4 years.

I do not believe that homeschooling is the answer for all children at all, but it showed and taught me that school wasted a lot of my time by forcing me to follow the same pace as everyone else. I felt like a caged animal who didn't belong. This caused me to act out a lot during school since I did not know how to share what was wrong with me. I didn't have the ability yet to express myself in such a way that people could understand that I was bored in some subjects and felt lost in other subjects. My understanding an abilities were vastly different for each subject.

For example, I had a natural ability and interest in languages and science but because of the slow pace that the teachers followed I got bored with the subjects and lost interest. Then in other subjects like history and economics I felt like I had missed some basics and could never catch up since I couldn't figure out what was missing in my own understanding.

My aim with the business MEND Education is to reach people and students of all ages who have had similar experiences where they feel like they missed something somewhere during their education which caused them to have some confusion specific to certain topics or subjects. I will be bringing out MasterClasses on SuperProf, teachable, skillshare, udemy, and any other platform which allows me to sell my courses. These MasterClasses will specifically then go through certain aspects of a subject or even be full topic based lessons on various subjects that have a need to be further looked at. I will also be posting various basic topics on YouTube related to education in English, Science and Geography subjects. Later if anyone has specific requests I would love to assist in addressing their needs as well.

I am open to educating students and followers on any topics related to school or university level education where you feel that you need help. I know I wish that I had a mentor to help answer my questions or who would've listened carefully to my problem and advised on some solutions. I would like to be this person to you if you have a similar need in your life. I am always open to questions and topic suggestions, doing my best to assist where I am able to the best of my ability.

I look forward to helping you through MEND Education...


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