How to UPGRADE your brain...

 These are some insights from Dr. Caroline Leaf and Jimmy Kwik.

Which labels do you have or accept about yourself? Which things do you accept as "this is just the way I am"? What is it that you say to yourself in your mind? Where are these beliefs coming from? What are you thinking or saying to yourself when negative or positive things happen?

Albert Einstein - "The same level of thinking that created your problem will not solve your problem"

"How does your brain work so you can work your brain? How does your memory work so you can work your memory?" - Jimmy Kwik.

At MEND Education we understand that we can only help you because we have experienced certain things first hand. Out of experience can we give possible solutions and therefore we can help you grow and achieve.

Knowledge is power and LEARNING is our superpower! And Jimmy want's to help you unleash your superpower.

The answers to the questions above that you have given are the lies that you or someone has told yourself which are creating limiting ideas in your life. This is like looking at a piece of cake which has been given to you and telling yourself that it is poison so you won't eat it. You don't have proof that it is poisoned but because you act in such a way as if it was poisoned now all you can see is what you have limited yourself to believe. It is a perfectly fine piece of cake but you have convinced yourself the contrary so now even if you eat this piece of cake, your body will make sure to follow the story you told yourself and give you the symptoms and 'proof' that it was poison...regardless of it being perfectly fine. The more you entertain the limiting thoughts, the stronger this reaction will become and the more proof you will have to support your belief.

The more you entertain your beliefs, the more claim they will have to you. You do not come with a user manual so you can program yourself any way you choose, be it positive or negative. School only teaches you what to learn but not HOW to learn. This is our focus at MEND Education. Our goal is to help you with your why through giving you YOUR HOW. Every person is unique and that is why every method (how) will be different!

YOUR brain has to obey you and the choices you make...that is why YOU can achieve your goal and YOU can learn how to command your brain. You need a solid mindset, motivation and methods to break free from you self imposed LIE (Limiting Idea Entertainment) box... The formula to help keep your motivation momentum is P x E x S3 = sustained motivation. How you act tells others if you are motivated or not. Are you consistently acting or just running your mouth? What you do is the actual evidence of your motivation momentum.

  • P stands for Purpose - this is not things that you love, like or enjoy necessarily, but it is something very important to what you want to achieve and foundational to the goal you have for yourself. You have to get your heart involved in this process of finding and choosing your purpose along with the rewards/consequences that come with your purpose. If you do not feel anything while doing what you choose, you might also need to do some further evaluation on whether or not you should actually be doing what you are doing.
  • E stands for Energy - you might know all the reasons and have solid purpose to do something but you physically might not have the energy, for some reason, to implement what you know you should.
  • S3 stands for Small Simple Step - when the goal is to intimidating or big it demotivates you from taking action. So ask yourself "What is the tiniest action I can do right now that will give me progress towards this goal, where I cannot fail?"
Methods of learning are important to un-limit and get your mindset directed in the direction which will serve your purpose, energy and small simple steps. You can only make decisions based on the information you have in your mind or memory, not based on what is on your phone or computer. Mindset, motivation and methods need to intertwine like a braid to be able to give us the best most useful choice options. Mindset + motivation = inspiration, 
Mindset + methods = gives ideas, and 
Motivation + methods = implementation
This is how you achieve your limitless YOU!

How can you achieve your limitless YOU? Stories and parables are very important for learning since this is the best way to learn. That is why the linked YouTube video and the book below have been provided with this blog to catapult you forward closer to your goals.

The 7 Learning LIE (Limited Idea Entertained) keeping you from commanding your brain:

  1. Mindset which is your set of attitudes, preconceived ideas and assumptions about something. What do you believe is possible? What are you capable of? Intelligence is UNLIMITED! It is not a fixed thing. What do you think is possible? You can only achieve what you believe is possible.
  2. Intelligence is fixed. Life is the C between B and D...B is birth and D is death but life is the C of choice you make every day. You decide your life with YOUR choices. No one can choose your life for you, only you can. Where you are now is based on the sum of choices you have made up until now. IQ tests are like a picture snapshot in time, it cannot define your past or your future, or even the full picture of when the picture is taken. When you visit a hiking trail and you take a picture at the start of the trail there is no way for the person seeing the picture to know how many bends, hills or dips the trail will have based on your picture...You should be asking "how are you smart?" NOT "how smart are you?" The second question is pointless and limiting.
  3. You use 5-10% of your brain. Your brain works in layers like an onion. Every thought, idea, opinion or learning topic needs to move through all 7 layers to be completely accepted and used by your whole brain. Some people are just better with moving the information through the layers BECAUSE they have trained their brain and done the exercises to become more efficient in this specific way! It's like the hiking trail again. Someone who is athletic and does exercise 2-3 times a week will walk the hiking trail a lot faster and more efficiently than the couch potato who randomly decided after 4 years to get out into nature. Does this mean that one will finish the trail and the other not? We cannot say! It will depend on both the people individually on the trail. The fit person could fall, get hurt or get bitten and end up not finishing, same goes for the couch potato.
  4. You need to avoid mistakes, failure, and be perfect at what you do. NO!!! Mistakes is how you learn and exploring different methods of doing things is some of the fastest and most effective ways to build your brain. Don't be afraid of mistakes. Be grateful for mistakes because this allows you to learn quickly and effectively just like children do. The more you fail the more successes you can experience. True failure is giving up...Rather ask yourself "what have I learned through this? How can I implement what I have learned? How can I change my method to get a different outcome?"
  5. Knowledge is power. This is not the full saying. Knowledge AND action is power. Knowledge without action is only potential. If you do not do what you know you should do then you are still choosing the outcome (or consequence) that you will experience later on. Without implementing your knowledge it is ridiculous to expect the results. This is like looking at your lunch ingredients and knowing what and how you want to make lunch but not actually making the ingredients into your lunch, but still expecting your fully completed lunch to somehow appear and be made. Human potential is limitless, your mind has just been limited through lies. Your brain craves to be optimised, it's default setting is not procrastination and laziness!
  6. You're just born with it or not. Discipline and effort breeds talent and achievement. Once cannot simply sit and expect things to appear in front of you, in most cases you need to stand up from where you are and go get or find what you are looking for. It is the exact same for skills and talents. Genius is BUILT not BORN. Everything you think, do and are, are things that you have learned over time and they have become habits. Choose to change the habits and be disciplined about it to see the fruits down the line. The time of the line is different for every person since the starting point is never the same. In what area of your life do you feel held back? Where do you feel limited? Which areas feel like you never make progress? Which box do you feel stuck in? 
  7. Reading is a nerdy activity. Reading allows you to download a wealth of knowledge someone else spent most of their lifetime acquiring. It allows you to learn things and experience things without leaving the comfort of your chair. When you read and actually think about the information it stimulates all your senses and allows your brain to have idea babies. When you network with other people who are also into reading books your two brains will also get together with the information from the books and instigate further and deeper level idea babies! This is how knowledge can give you power, but first you need to actually read, second you have to actually expose yourself to other people who have also interacted with books or knowledge with similarities to yours and lastly you can only achieve the idea babies which catapult you to a new zone or level of understanding and implementation. Be a nerd, be a PROUD nerd! Leaders are readers...
We hope this gives you enough incentive to start your journey into your new YOU focused on YOUR goals. Don't downgrade your dreams but upgrade your mind to achieve!!!


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