The ultimate 2500 year old memory technique

 Learn with MEND Education how to use this timeless technique to memorise in a fun and easy way.

Get your playfulness on and open yourself to having fun!

It's called a memory palace...people store memory in space. So we associate information with a place or location. That is why it might be easy to learn at school in a specific classroom but it might be difficult to focus on studies at home in the kitchen.

Therefore take a place that you are familiar with and then you allocate certain items in the place you choose are place rankings (first place, second place, third place, etc.). Then you turn the thing you want to remember into an image and put it in the place where you want it. This is the memory, easy as PIE. P refers to place, I refers to imagine and E refers to entwine. 

Use your body for the first exercise as your reference places (P). First place is the top of your head, so go ahead and touch this area of your head and say loudly "top". Second place is your nose, so touch your nose and say loudly "nose". Third place is mouth, so put a hand on your mouth and say "mouth" out loud. Place number four is ears, so repeat the exercise of touching it and saying it. Place five is your throat, six is shoulders, seven is your collarbone, eight is fingers, nine is your belly, and ten is your bottom. Now repeat the activity by going top to bottom touching the designated places in sequence and saying their names out loud. This method of storing information relates to how we refer to items even in our language use. For example, ' in the first place I think...and in the second place it might be...yes for the third place it is...' etc. Therefore the language is still there but the technique of remembering and building memory places has been forgotten. 

Now you need to imagine (I) and entwine (E) and experience 'virtually' in your mind the item, thing or information you want to associate and remember. So now you imagine the information with the top of your head while you are touching the area. For example, you can imagine an avocado on the top of your head, or you can imagine yourself rubbing avocado into your head. Then with the nose imagine blueberries, the second brain food. Imagine a blueberry popping out of your nose to make the image stick with the place. The third place, your mouth, can be associated with broccoli. See broccoli stuck in your teeth. Fourth place, your ears, imagine it with olive oil, either cleaning it with olive oil or wearing olive earrings. For the fifth place, your throat, imagine an egg lodged there in stead of an addams' apple. Your shoulders at sixth, imagine green leafy vegetables (kale and spinach) as shoulder-pads. Seventh at your collarbone place, a necklace of wild salmon sushi or something in this line of imagining. In the eighth place, your fingers, imagine your fingers covered in turmeric powder. For number nine, your belly, imagine walnuts coming out of your bellybutton in a string of brain looking walnuts. Last but not least, your bottom, number ten imagine dark chocolate. 

If you ever forget, these are all the things that are good for your brain and your brain development. Have fun and keep playfulness in your imagining. Playfulness helps you to build memories and build your brain so find your playfulness when learning new things! Learn with the intention of teaching someone else...


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