Is physics useful? 8 uses...

 As you can see in this picture above, it is quite clear why physics is useful in everyday life! We also have a topic based series on Physics on YouTube if you would like to get more access to topic based lessons.

As they say on the Udemy blog

"Even reading this article wouldn’t be possible without the physics-based ideas that played a huge role in the creation of computers and the internet. Every time you get in your car, you’re taking advantage of yet another benefit of what is often considered the most fundamental of all science fields." - Udemy link

Furthermore, using physics in the long run goes hand-in-hand with math skills. But other than that here are some of the skills and job fields that REQUIRE physics skills! Let's jump right in!

1. Physics is at the core of all medical study. If you dream of becoming a doctor, pharmacist, or pathologist then you need physics since all the tests that are done in the medical field would not be possible without the advances made in physics concerning technology and R&D (Research and Development). X-rays were created during physics experiments, ultrasound is like watching physics in action at a live show, and defibrillators, the line between life and death, were also invented by physicists. To name but a few...

2. Energy generation and provision. Without the work done by physicists there would be no electricity and we would still be using candles and fire for light at night, never-mind the other technology which exists now and relies on electricity to function! Physics based ideas are used to extract fuel resources, environmentally friendly and non friendly resources are all developed and created based on physics knowledge, and also all the appliances you see around you functions ONLY because of the knowledge in physics which was applied to develop the appliances.

3. Communication and physics...the reason we have internet is because of physics! None of your devices would therefore work or be useful without physics and the ways that physics was implemented to create the internet! Imagine you still had to find things  in actual books for google or instant messages! What a drag that would be!

4. Transportation of people and goods. Have you ever looked at a plane and wondered 'How does that big heavy thing fly and safely transport people?' Well once there were some physicists who did think of a way to fly and without their experiments and craziness (for their time) we would not have planes to transport us around! Have you ever looked at the massive tanker ships and thought 'How is it that they don't sink?' Once again the physicists did the thinking for you! They found ways to improve on the old wooden ships that people used to use and everything just improved from there!

5. Development of appliances and consumer electronics. I'm not sure what you're reading this on but it will either be some type of computer, phone or tablet...all of these were made possible due to the combination of scientists (physicists) who asked questions, looked for better and more efficient ways to do things and also who did many experiments to test their ideas! Without the energy ideas developed from section 2 we wouldn't have had any electronics. Without a need to improve communication in section 3 we also would not have had the internet! And if not for the need to transport people and goods to more places there would be no need to communicate with each other at all!

I think you see where we're going with this...

6. Construction and efficiency. Currently buildings need to be constructed in the shortest, most efficient and least inconvenient way possible. How is this done? Through research and development which is the core of all physics ideologies and methodologies. Physics determines the material used based on construction parameters, it determines how to build and what to use, it allows you to calculate the efficiency and also the amounts required for successfully completing your project, and it shows you how much light, weight, water, etc. you need to use based on the situation.

7. Stimulating the economy. You might be thinking "what does gravity, planes, communication, appliances, medicine and the other topics based on physics connect to the economy?" Well if you look at all the things around you which fall into the classifications of the above sections...did you get all of it for free or did you or someone have to pay for them? AND that's your answer! Without the development in and of physics, there wouldn't be anything in your house, nor the building you are living in, so therefore the advancements in physics are the building blocks of our current economy and prosperity!

8. Why is physics amazing? Well I guess if the above explanations did not convince you of how cool and fun physics is then maybe this will help...I didn't even add all the aspects of physics that influence your daily life but imagine you had to live in a tent in the middle of nowhere using a fire to keep dangerous animals away and go hunting with a bow and arrow (which also uses physics) or a spear (once again using physics) and living off of nature the way people did thousands of years ago? I guess some people might find it fun...but physics and the related knowledge is what got us to where we are today!

Looking at all this, maybe it's time to find the fun in physics!!! The world would not be what it is today without it! I'm not saying everyone needs to study physics but the basic knowledge that physics gives you will GREATLY benefit you in the future and in your future career! 

So go out there and find your "eureka" moment!


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