The scary life goals...

 The big question...

Have you ever had an idea which drew you closer but as you viewed it more closely it scared the hell out of you?

Well this has me.

The start was innocently posting videos on YouTube which I thought would help others improve their education ability. Then it hit me...I could do more. I was paralysed by the prospect. I also realised that my approach had been incorrect and wasteful. I was sharing content without a plant, hence the posting sabbatical...

I looked at the content I had posted and it was all over the place without sufficient structure to really help my viewers level up. How could I fix this? How could I use this to get to the scary goal that appeared?

The answer to the first question sent further chills down my spine. I realised my approach was all wrong and I had to revisit my approach. This made me stop everything and start thinking. I realised that I needed to "sharpen my axe before chopping the tree". Until now, I had been trying to chop a tree with a butter knife. I was doing something, but it was not efficient, it didn't utilise my abilities optimally and I wasn't adding the value I knew would be required. Hence I went back to the drawing board...

How long did this take to figure out?

Embarrassingly enough it has taken me more than 12 months.

As for the second question concerning the scary goal...we're still working on that. The first few steps have been outlined and approached. I've started restructuring my content, researching the best information to present and aiming to simplify the content so that those who view it won't feel like they go into information paralysis. The building blocks have started to form and as they form I feel nervous excitement brewing at the prospect of what is to come. Will it work? I don't know...what I definitely know is that if the content being created and shared is good quality and I make sure to put in the effort of making it as digestible as possible, even if I only help a small number of people, I would be over the moon.

Is the content the goal? for now, it is...but it falls into a bigger framework and network of ideas that send my mind swimming every time I go to bed.

Can I do it? I don't know...but I do know that I don't give up and would rather try my best than wake up at 40, 50, or 60 realising that I had wasted my talents and have nothing to show for the journey of life.

You're sitting, standing or walking while reading this post. Maybe your own scary dream popped up which you've been ignoring or avoiding...we've all been there.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. You and your ideas are valuable, try your best and see where you end up...that's what I'm doing.


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