
The scary life goals...

  The big question... Have you ever had an idea which drew you closer but as you viewed it more closely it scared the hell out of you? Well this has me. The start was innocently posting videos on YouTube which I thought would help others improve their education ability. Then it hit me...I could do more. I was paralysed by the prospect. I also realised that my approach had been incorrect and wasteful. I was sharing content without a plant, hence the posting sabbatical... I looked at the content I had posted and it was all over the place without sufficient structure to really help my viewers level up. How could I fix this? How could I use this to get to the scary goal that appeared? The answer to the first question sent further chills down my spine. I realised my approach was all wrong and I had to revisit my approach. This made me stop everything and start thinking. I realised that I needed to "sharpen my axe before chopping the tree". Until now, I had been tryin

Current projects!

Lately it has been fun to prepare some new and exciting additions for our YouTube channel concerning IGCSE Physics and also A-level Physics. We look forward to starting our posts on the exciting new content we are working on for the channel . What you can look forward to in future, will consist of more interactive lessons where topics are also demonstrated along with some equations for practice. We aim to keep the videos short and to the point, while providing maximum content exposure so that it can be used for review purposes and also to help students who might not be native English speakers. We encourage you to view the material we have already posted and comment any questions or suggestions to help us help you more efficiently. Our aim is to create a reviewable foundation that any student in Physics can benefit from as supplementary to their current school/university lessons. We invite you to comment on this blog post and our YouTube content !

Homeschool assistance from online sources.

 At MEND Education we want to help students of all ages and backgrounds to reach their goals and their potential. Since we provide assistance to students who are a part of schools and Universities we thought it would be appropriate to point out that we also provide assistance to students who homeschool.  We only require that the topic and content that the student is covering with us, should be sent to us via email 2 days in advance. This way we can provide the required help based on the content being covered in the homeschool curriculum that has been chosen by the parents. We also make sure to take the parents teaching requirements into consideration during the lessons , since each homeschooling parent has a specific reason that they decided to home school their precious child. We are here to make your life easier, not more difficult and challenging! Other that this assistance we also assist with planning curricula for parents who would like to combine more than one schooling syste

Study methods for Physics!

  As with any subject, there are some strategies that you can use and follow to make sure that you achieve your goals within the subject! First we will cover some general pointers for studying Physics which you can apply to any subject...then we will continue on to methods which are specifically useful for Physics itself. We have added some links to help you find some of the sites and resources we recommend... General pointers for studying: 1. Master the basics of physics: This means that you find the core ideas and theories related to physics and make sure that you clearly understand these aspects. These will consist of the most likely problems you could encounter in exams, the basic principles and concepts that the subject is based on. Then you need to see how these core principles are linked to one another to create a whole picture of the subject. An example of such a basic understanding is shown below... 2. Strengthen your math skills: This is useful to do when studying busi

Skills obtained through learning Physics

 What is the main goal of Physics and every Physicist out there? The goal is to understand the behaviour of matter and energy on every level...This means that we look out into the universe to understand and into the smallest parts found on Earth to understand. When looking into becoming a Physicist, remember that you will learn all about theoretical and experimental techniques by studying the laws and properties of motion , heat, light, electricity, radiation, magnetism, particles and matter. These eight subtopics form the core and basis of everything we learn in Physics. The combinations might be different and the way they are integrated vary vastly BUT that is what makes physics related discoveries so exciting! So clearly physics matter :) Anyway back to the point. The various skills you learn from physics centre around problem-solving, communication, technical, and research/project development skills. A breakdown of how you learn these skills are as follows:     Problem-solving skil

Is physics useful? 8 uses...

 As you can see in this picture above, it is quite clear why physics is useful in everyday life! We also have a topic based series on Physics on YouTube if you would like to get more access to topic based lessons. As they say on the Udemy blog " Even reading this article wouldn’t be possible without the physics-based ideas that played a huge role in the creation of computers and the internet. Every time you get in your car, you’re taking advantage of yet another benefit of what is often considered the most fundamental of all science fields." -  Udemy link Furthermore, using physics in the long run goes hand-in-hand with math skills. But other than that here are some of the skills and job fields that REQUIRE physics skills! Let's jump right in! 1. Physics is at the core of all medical study. If you dream of becoming a doctor, pharmacist, or pathologist then you need physics since all the tests that are done in the medical field would not be possible without the advances m

5 Practical uses of physics during college and after education

 There are some amazing points and skills developed when studying physics and this section will only look at a few of them...We also have some basic Physics topics on our YouTube channel , MEND Education, which will give some insight into physics! Join us there for more... Firstly physics allows us to figure out how the world around us works. It allows us to question and analyse what we see, don't yet understand and also stimulates our curious nature. Physics is not only limited to understanding things that humans have developed and created but also allows us to get fantastic insight into nature and how nature works! We can see connections and patterns around us and creatively guess how these work to give us ideas on how to further develop and create amazing useful things for ourselves and others. Secondly physics is useful since it stimulates and develops analytical skills, quantitative observation skills and data analysis skills. These three core skills then develop strong prob